Welcome to the first VIZPARK Challenge – The VP SHADERBALL CHALLENGE !
VIZPARK needs a VP branded Shaderball, similar to other shaderballs of companies, platforms or renderers. The VP Shaderball should showcase materials from VIZPARK, including materials made with VIZ PLUGINS or VIZ TEXTURES. The Shaderball will be used for all upcoming material previews on the website and previews in the new VP MATERIAL MANAGER. Even though it might look simple to create a shaderball, it needs some understanding of the requirements to showcase different materials and shaders. GRANT WARWICK has summarized a good list of specifications and needs for a shaderball in his Shaderball Anatomy:
[image type=”frame1″ align=”left” width=”580″][/image]
So, it´s important for a good Shaderball to have proper lighting, proper camera perspective and proper modeling including different areas to see shader features like bump, reflection, refraction, sss and more.
The Shaderball that perfectly combines these requirements and shows materials the best way while also showing VP as manufacturer, will win.
[list type=”numlist”]- Each contribution should be posted on the VIZPARK FACEBOOK PAGE as 800 x 800 previews
- The shaderball scene should use a standard 3ds Max camera and 3ds Max standard lights (to ensure later renderer compatibility with multiple renderers)
- The shaderball should ideally showcase VP specific materials, made with VP plugins (also free plugins) and/or textures (not required though)
- The final winners will be chosen by the three judges RONEN BEKERMAN, GRANT WARWICK and MARTIN JANN
- The 3 winners are required to provide the scene files and their emails
- The scene of the first prize can be used by VIZPARK unlimited in place and time – without any restrictions.
- The challenge will end on NOVEMBER 30, 2014
- The prizes for the winners will be provided within the first week of December 2014.
The contributions will be judged by three judges:
[image width=”598″]https://www.vizpark.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/2014-11-10-Shaderball-Challenge-Judges.jpg[/image]
[columns width=”190″]
Grant Warwick
[columns width=”190″]
Ronen Bekerman
[columns width=”190″ last=”true”]
Martin Jann
This site
[columns width=”170″ class=”colbg rounded colborder”]1. Prize
a value of US$ 996
[image width=”140″]https://www.vizpark.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Mastering_V-Ray_Image.jpg[/image][image width=”140″]https://www.vizpark.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Mastering_HS_Image.jpg[/image]
[/columns] [columns width=”170″ class=”colbg rounded colborder”]
2. Prize
a value of US$ 608
[image width=”140″]https://www.vizpark.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Mastering_HS_Image.jpg[/image][/columns] [columns width=”170″ last=”true” class=”colbg rounded colborder”]
3. Prize
a value of US$ 508
[image width=”140″]https://www.vizpark.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Mastering_V-Ray_Image.jpg[/image][/columns]