Version beta (May 15, 2021)
- [Bridge 0.7.8] fixed a problem where UI was cut off at bottom on 1920x1080 displays
- [Bridge 0.7.8] fixed a problem where wasn¥t started on certain systems
- fixed a crash when switching 3D preview mode without a pattern loaded
- changed the select button state behaviour in pattern editor mode
Version beta (April 11, 2021)
- SLICE mode to extract bricks from source maps and layers
- A.I. assisted experimental automatic slice detection based on Deep Learning solution
- 3ds Max bridge plugin
- Full library of 120 flex-material presets with walls, floors and more
- Added Remote API so Omnitiles can be controlled through other programs allows better integration in other DCC packages
- Reworked UI for UHD/4k monitors
- Improved Mosaic feature with low contrast source images
- Re-arranged Title menu bar
- Render Preview window always on top
- Fixed when subsequentally loading very small-sized textures after larger-sized texture and then larger-sized textures again rendering is wrong
- Texture Manager and Randomization Dialog re-open at the same position after they have been closed even across sessions
- Patternname is stored into Preset when embedded option is chosen
- Fixed Render preview not showing up after it has been minimized and Omnitiles closed and restarted
- Fixed UV mapping on sphere 3D preview (was mirrored)
Version beta (October 11, 2020)
- Reworked edge gradient settings with more intuitive controls and unit edge size parameter
- Improved User Interface for UHD/4k monitors
- Added two new scanned multi-texture sets and four new full presets
- Added numeric controls with real size units for Shape size, position, edge size, position, vertex position and rotation
- Added visual rotation center indication
- Allow edge and vertices to stay selected in shape edit mode
- Changed rotation mouse movement to a more sensible range
- Fixed edge map not rendered properly in 3D Preview
- Fixed Del Key not working in canvas
- Fixed global texture size not updating in preview window
- Fixed deselect all not visually reseting deselection correctly in render window
- Fixed edge gradient render output not matching preview
- Fixed text entry in additional parameter dialog not causing an update of the preview
- Fixed standard material in 3D Preview not rendering maps correctly
- Fixed Bitmap Mosaic option not working correctly with Black & White source images
- Fixed Pattern Next/Previous crashing when directory does not exist
- Fixed HSV Randomization producing weird colors when the dominant color channel was blue
- Fixed displacement preview rendering error when using edge map as displacement & edge size adjust to tiling
- Fixed a problem with rendering out multiple layers not assigning the same maps
Version (May 15, 2020)
- Fully reworked Render Settings Dialog
- New Dropdown selection for output format
- New ´Browse´ button to open output folder for easier access to rendered maps
- New scheme for automatic filenaming with filename preview
Version beta (March 16, 2020)
- Fixed crash problem with trial version when manually typing in a resolution
- Fixed problem that main window does not appear in certain circumstances when it has been minimized
- Added option to hide welcome screen at startup
Version beta (September 22, 2019)
- [Preview] Added progressive Preview rendering updates so changes in the editor can be applied and seen quicker
- [Main] Added Object/Shape ID output channel
- [Main] Added new Startscreen
- [Main] Added loading progress window when loading a preset
- Doubled the number of textures one can have in a channel
- Fixed that if there are two many textures in a channel it no longer crashes
- Fixed filehandler leak that causes preview renders and real renders from getting executed
- Fixed Texture manager not updating list while open and loading a new preset or new all
- Fixed severall presets preview rendering wrong (Mosaic Demo 6, Christmas Ball, Marble Demo)
- Fixed albedo channel map not rendered in 3D Preview if there are no diffuse textures as well
- Fixed switching texture active/non-active in the texture manager had no effect in random distribution mode
- Fixed changing importance in the texture manager did not cause a preview update
- Fixed New all did not remove source bitmap
- Fixed mixed up session paths for textures and full presets
- Fixed using one bitmap with one shape
- Fixed New all now resets preview window
- Fixed crash when choosing random but unique selection but all textures have been assigned to groups
- Fixed crash while editing the edge size through the text control
- Rearranged UI moved entries from rendering window into Additional parameters window
- Removed Keyboard short-cuts in File menu as they were not working
- Removed license tab from About screen as it is no longer required
Version beta (April 12, 2019)
- Fixed random crash when rendering output maps
- Fixed weird flickering with edge map preview when changing edge size parameter
- Fixed update dialog poping up even when latest version is already installed
- Fixed version dialog being cut-off with certain Windows8.1/10 DPI-Settings
- Fixed crash when trying to load a bitmap folder containing illegal or unreadable files
- Fixed 3D Preview not rendering maps when there are no textures loaded in the diffuse channel
- Fixed crash when trying to load a .EXR file
Version beta (April 01, 2019)
- Fixed random crash when rendering output maps
- Fixed render to Photoshop speed for map sizes above 1024 x 1024
- Fixed edge map rendering not rendering correctly
- [Preview] Added displacement to 3D Preview and PBR material setup
- [Preview] Added FBX custom model option in 3D preview
- [Preview] Added preview UI buttons access material and preview setups more easily
- [Preview] Preview map size in 3D preview setup now also effects 2D preview
- [Preview] Added HDRI background blurring to 3D preview
- [Preview] Added zoom in/out in 2D preview
- [Preview] Fixed layer menu in 2D preview to only show layer that actually contain maps
- [Editor] Added Real-World unit size in preferences,canvas and preview
- [Editor] Changed creation method for rectangular shape to drag-and-create
- [Editor] Added Current state message in Pattern editor
- [Editor] Added Zoom in Pattern Editor
- [Editor] Added multi selection in editor by holding ctrl-key this allows multiple shapes to be scaled, rotated, moved, smoothed, deleted, mirrored, cloned
- [Editor] Added option to select and move edge in shape edit mode
- [Editor] Added Alt-option to rotate all selected shapes together, not individually
- [Editor] Added multi-selection in shape list
- [Main] Reworked Randomization settings with graphics and more options
- [Main] Added option to put real world size in name of rendered output files
- [Main] Preview and material settings are now saved in full preset (.vop)
- [Main] Window position of Material 3D and Setup 3D settings are retained over sessions
- [Main] Added Random U-Shift and V-Shift
- [Main] Added random UV rotation by 90° steps
- [Main] Split global UV size to X and Y
- [Main] Changed Edge size from pixel to percent
- [Main] Changed preset name on header to show main preset not pattern preset name
- [Main] Session file paths for pattern and textures are now separated
- [Library] Resaved all patterns with added real world size
- Fixed main UI increasing size on each re-opening of the app
- Fixed Edge size different in preview and rendering
- Fixed left buttons shifting position on switch between UV and Shape modes
- Fixed random UV and shape rotation cuts shapes when tiling >1
- Fixed preview update in shape edit mode not always working
- Fixed preview resolution wasn´t saved in full preset
- Fixed setup material button to be hidden in 2D preview mode
- Added 3D Preview with PBR and Standard materials and HDRI lighting
- Added resizeable main editor window
- Added tiling parameters to preview window
- Main editor window remembers last position on screen when closed/reopened
- Fixed several memory leaks
- Added global UV scaling
- Added global thumbnails previews for Pattern files
- Added global thumbnails previews for Preset files
- Added Random Vertex X/Y Shift
- Added more textures (48 multitextures, 30 more than in previous version)
- Added more full presets (40 full presets, 27 more than in previous version)
- Changed starting position of radial output
- Rearranged Rendering settings dialog- Fixed Gradient edge colors not being stored in the preset
- Fixed Color variations wrongly affecting edge map output
- Fixed update message dialog not appearing when there is a new version available
- Fixed latest UI changes to work probably with HighDPI settings
- Fixed random variations parameters get reset when pressing clear pattern
- Fixed background colour not being set in non-radial output
Version 0.9.5 beta (August 15, 2018)
- Added radial output rendering to render out the textures as a radial map
- New Mosaic color feature with option to blend between color and texture
- Added a link button in the Output resolution rendering setting that locks width & height
- Added Missing file dialog when a preset is loaded and certain files can not be loaded
- Now able to change the significant colour in the bitmap list
- Added two more demo full presets for Mosaic color and circular mapping
- Extended the minimum/maximum UV scale range and allowing the maximum scale to be set below 100% and the minimum above 100%
- Fixed Mosaic Presets that have been added in 0.9.4
- Reversed the meaning of min/max UV scale, sorry old presets will now render different
- Fixed Mosaic Settings dialog can be blocked by opening it closing texture manager then trying to open it again via texture manager
Version 0.9.4 beta (July 09, 2018)
- New Mosaic feature
- Added new distribution mode Mosaic Just V
- Added new distribution mode Mosaic HSV
- Added new distribution mode Mosaic RGB
- Fixed broken rendering of any channel besides diffuse introduced in last update
- Fixed edge appearing in rendering when using particular small source bitmaps as textures
- Fixed columns and rows used in the wrong order in the rendering
- Fixed crash when a bitmap can not be loaded in the Texture manager
Version 0.9.3 beta (June 15, 2018)
- Added Random Shape translation
- Added Random Shape rotation
- Added Random UV rotation
- Added Random UV Scale
- Cleaned up & changed layout of Preference Dialog
- Randomization dialog is no longer modal
- Changed Photoshop password to proper password field in render dialog
- Changed UI text fields in render dialog to UI Spinners
- Changed UI text fields in random parameters settings dialog to UI Spinners
- Fixed pattern editor causing weird shapes when editing an overlap shaped right at the left editor edge
- Fixed "New All" did not clear textures probably in preview render
- Clicking on Preview and Render button brings the dialogs to foreground now if they already open
- If a output path is specified in the render output without using the browse button and it contains a directory that does not exist user gets asked if it should be created
Version 0.9.2 beta (May 11, 2018)
- Added a maximum bitmap aspect ratio filter option
- Textures can now be set to be rotated 90 CCW (counter clockwise) and 90 CW (clockwise) in the Texture Manager
- Add a visual marker for channels that have fewer images in the Texture Manager
- Extended application logging even further to cover more areas
- Fixed problem with RGBA 32bit PNG textures not being rendered correctly
- Fixed random Saturation and Value variation not working without also varying Hue
- Fixed channel file counter not updating when removing files out of a channel in the Texture Manager
- Improved GUI with higher DPI scaling factors
- Fixed that Preview window now can be made smaller after making it larger
- Fixed occational crash when adding files via Add in texture manager and then trying to render or preview
Version 0.9.1 beta (April 23, 2018)
- Added System Information Window in Help menu (copy & paste in email or support ticket text)
- Added random seed number and pick random seed number in Randomization window
- Added logging (logfiles can be found in c:usersyour_windows_userappDatalocalVIZPARKomnitiles)
- Changed Directory browse dialog to Windows Vista style one in Scan Folders
- Preview Window size stays now persistent over multiple openings and sessions
- Fixed occational crash in rendering and Preview
- Fixed crash trying to render/preview presets that containing bitmaps that can't be loaded for any reason
- Fixed 2-Colored Cross Bond, Roman Mosaic and Stretcher Bond Flemish preset
- Fixed crash/hang when open texture manager after loading a preset containing bitmaps that can't be loaded
- Group naming changes will now propergate correctly through to texture manager
- Group deleting will now propergate correctly though to texture manager previous textures with the group will move back to "All"
Version 0.9.0 beta (April 11, 2018)